Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Pass/Fail Grades & Course Auditing

Pass/Fail Option

North Central Texas College permits enrollment in selected courses on a pass/fail option basis. In courses where this option is available to the student, the instructor can provide the necessary forms for selecting the pass/fail option. The forms must be completed by the student and instructor and returned to the Registrar’s Office by the second Tuesday of the second week of the current semester. The pass/fail option will not be extended beyond this date.

Once the pass/fail option is processed, he or she may not return to a standard A, B, C, D, F evaluative system. It is not recommended to select the pass/fail option if the course in which the option is applied should be included as a part of the college major and expected to transfer that course to a senior college or university.

Performance requirements on the part of the student are the same regardless of the pass/fail option or the traditional A, B, C, D, F evaluative system. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis do not earn grade points; however, failing grades will be counted in the student’s grade point average.

Auditing a Course

Students may choose to audit certain classes. A student who is auditing a course will not receive grades or credit for the course. Instead, their transcript will indicate the course was audited with an AU grade. A student who is auditing a class will not be required to take tests; however, participation in regular class activities is expected.

  • To audit a course, students must register with a Success Coach. Any student intending to audit a course must complete an Application for Course Audit, meet TSI or prerequisite requirements, and be eligible to register for the course.
  • The cost for auditing courses in $100 per credit hour. Additional costs for textbooks or materials may apply.
  • Registration to audit a course is permitted as long as a credit student is not displaced from a class as a result of the audit. Therefore, requests to audit are processed on the first day of the term and during the add/drop period only.
  • Once a student has registered as an auditor, the student may not change to credit status nor can a credit student change to audit status after the semester has begun.
  • Health sciences and other courses/programs with admission requirements or prerequisites may not be audited. Additionally, auditing may be subject to instructor approval.
  • As an audit student, you are required to conform to the same conduct in the classroom and on campus as credit students.

Having considered the above restrictions, to facilitate audit registration, please meet with your Success Coach. For more information, interested students should contact the Advising Office.