Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Tuition & Fees

Just as providing easy access to quality education for all who desire it is a primary commitment of North Central Texas College, so is providing quality education at a reasonable cost. The following information will help students calculate their expenses at NCTC on a per-semester basis.

Students should read this information carefully and thoroughly to assure that they will be able to come up with a fairly accurate estimate of expenses. Students also should keep in mind that this amount will be an estimate, since there is no way to accurately forecast for each individual student such personal expenditures as those for entertainment, transportation, clothing, etc. Also, as will be explained below, some other expenses such as those for books and supplies, board, etc., will vary from student to student.

Important: NCTC is a state-supported institution subject to state laws. Credit is extended for expenses owed to the college only under limited circumstances. All tuition, fees, dorm rent, and other elements of expense for attending NCTC are subject to change by the NCTC Board of Trustees.

Tuition & Fee Costs

Generally, the cost of enrolling at North Central Texas College for a regular long semester (Fall or Spring) will be the sum of four expense categories.

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Books & Supplies
  • Personal Living Expenses, including transportation and room/board (no attempt is made to estimate this category of expense because it varies so widely among individual students)

Credit Hour Tuition & General Use Fee

The tuition and general use fee charged for a course is based on the total number of credit hours for which students are enrolled.

When a student registers for a course, that course will be worth a certain number of hours of college credit for a semester. Most courses at NCTC are worth three (3) hours of credit, however, there are courses that are worth one (1) credit hour all the way up to six (6) or more hours of credit for any given semester. A student can tell how many hours of credit a particular course is worth by looking at the course identification number.

The second digit in this four-digit number gives the semester-credit-hour value of the course. For example, the English course ENGL 1301  is worth three (3) hours of credit, and the French course FREN 1411  is worth four (4) hours of credit. So, if a student registers for four three-hour courses and one four-hour course, he or she will be enrolled for a total of sixteen (16) semester credit hours.

Tuition and general use fee would be figured by multiplying the number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled times a tuition rate and a general use fee rate. 

Out of District Fee

Another important determinant of tuition & fee cost is the student’s legal residence status. As a public institution that draws a portion of its funding from the State of Texas, non-residents of Texas will pay more than in-state residents. Even within the State of Texas, residents of Cooke County support NCTC with a local property tax payment; therefore, those residents receive the benefit of lower fees than other Texas residents. In fact , NCTC has four residency classifications and each result in a different level of out-of-district fee: 

  • In-District: Residents of Cooke County.
  • In-District - Branch Campus: Residents of Graham ISD.
  • In-State: Residents of all Texas counties except Cooke, and residents of Oklahoma counties contiguous with Cooke who, due to a reciprocal agreement, pay the same tuition rate as Texas residents.
  • Out-of-State: In addition to residents of states other than Texas, this also includes “international students”-citizens of any country other than the United States.

Students must complete a Residency Questionnaire Form and may also be required to furnish documentary proof, such as a valid Texas Driver’s License, to prove resident status.

*Determination of a student’s legal residence for purposes of establishing the appropriate Out of District, if applicable is made at the North Central Texas College Office of Admissions. Questions or disputes regarding the interpretation of these guidelines should be directed to this office. For additional information on rules and regulations determining residence status, visit or the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Web site

Other Fees

Student Identity

NCTC does not charge additional fees associated with verification of student identity.

Individualized Instruction Fee

Special fees are charged for certain specific courses as listed below:

  • Applied Lessons in Music (1 semester hour) - $75.00
  • Applied Lessons in Music (2 semester hours) - $150.00

Health Science and Nursing courses may require additional fees-payable at registration for malpractice insurance, specialized books, assessment tests, and other unusual expenses. Other courses such as bowling, horticulture, and artificial insemination will require additional fees to be paid to the facilities in which the instruction is conducted.

Returned Payment Fee

A $25.00 charge will be assessed for any returned check/payment.


An additional $60.00 per semester credit hour tuition will be charged to anyone taking a course more than two times at North Central Texas College.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) does not permit institutions to submit for formula funding any hours for a course that the student previously attempted two or more times at the same institution; therefore this loss of revenue will be passed on to the user.

Correction of Errors

Students are responsible for any additional amount due to NCTC resulting from auditing and correction of records after registration fees have been paid, including all registration assessment errors, invalid third-party agreements, and failure to prove residence status.

Tuition Rates Per Semester Hour

  In-District In-District Branch Campus (Graham ISD) In-state Out-of-state (except some Oklahoma)
Tuition $57.00 $57.00 $57.00 $57.00
General Use Fee $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00
Out of District Service Fee N/A $20.00 $100.00 $205.00
Total per Semester Hour* $112.00 $132.00 $212.00 $317.00

*Exclusive of other fees and costs

The student is responsible for any financial obligation that results from adding or dropping classes at NCTC.

NCTC adheres to the state of Texas policy when refunding tuition and fees.

Dual Credit

Dual Credit students attending high school in the College’s service area of Cooke, Denton, and Montague counties and Graham ISD will be charged at a reduced rate.