Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Refund Schedule

For students who drop or withdraw from courses, NCTC will refund tuition and mandatory fees collected according to the following schedule. For faster access to funds, students are encouraged to elect a direct deposit designation. Note that for courses that meet on a regular schedule (i.e., specified days and times throughout a fall/spring semester or summer session), the term class days refers to the number of calendar days NCTC normally meets for classes, not the days a particular course meets. For flexible entry courses and others that meet on an unusual or irregular schedule, NCTC will exercise professional judgment in defining the term class days for refund purposes.

Please note also that percentages given in the schedule are to be applied to the tuition and mandatory fees collected for each course from which the student is withdrawing. Also, note that some fees are non-refundable and will not be calculated in these percentage refunds.

Regular Fall & Spring Credit Classes (16 Weeks)

A 100% refund will be made for courses dropped prior to the first class day of a semester.


  • During the first 15 class days - 70% Refund
  • During 16th-20th class days - 25% Refund
  • After 20th class day - No Refund

Fall & Spring Credit Classes (8 Weeks)

A 100% refund will be made for courses dropped prior to the first class day of a semester.


  • During the first 8 class days - 70% Refund
  • During 9th and 10th class days - 25% Refund
  • After 10th class day - No Refund

Regular Summer Sessions (5 Weeks)

A 100% refund will be made for courses dropped prior to the first class day.


  • During the first 5 class days - 70% Refund
  • During 6th class day - 25% Refund
  • After 6th class day - No Refund

Summer Sessions (10 Weeks)

A 100% refund will be made for courses dropped prior to the first class day.


  • During the first 9 class days - 70% Refund
  • During 10th-12th class day - 25% Refund
  • After 12th class day - No Refund
    Note: It is the responsibility of the student to complete the steps necessary to drop classes. Any financial obligation that results is also the responsibility of the student.