Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Clubs and Organizations

Student clubs and organizations are sanctioned by the college administration according to the belief that each renders a particular service to the college and to the student body. No effort is made to manipulate decisions regarding activities or projects of the organization, but the college expects all student organizations to conduct their affairs in a manner appropriate to proper codes of conduct and in accordance with institutional policies and regulations.

All student group-sponsored activities on the College campus are to be sponsored by one of the recognized clubs or organizations and its advisors. All activities, promotional and money-making ventures involving the public must be cleared through the Office of Student Engagement.

New clubs and organizations are required to petition the Vice Chancellor of Student Services for official recognition.

The three requirements to become a registered organization at NCTC:

● 7 student members
● A full-time or part-time employee, who is 21 years or older and not a student, must advise the club or organization
● A constitution, student organization application, and an activity approval form.

The Office of Student Engagement will also provide assistance in the formation of clubs and organizations to meet student needs and interests. For a current list of active groups and forms visit Student Groups. To get started on creating your own club, contact

In addition, there are two more types of organizations students can get involved with: Affinity Groups and Honor Societies. Affinity groups provide a sense of community and support for members while advocates also serve as a resource.

Honor Societies aim to recognize students who have excelled in a variety of circumstances. Honor societies invite students to join based on academic excellence, or to those who have shown impressive leadership, service, and overall character. To learn more visit: Affinity Groups and Honor Societies.

Affinity Groups

● Food & Housing Insecurity
● Students with Children
● Veterans & Military

 Honor Societies

● Lambda Nu
National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)s (NSLS)
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
● Sociedad Honoraria de la Lengua Española

Student Clubs/Organizations

● Black Student Union (BSU)
● D20 Club
● Debate Club
● Fellowship of Student Athletes
● Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS)
● Latinx Student Association
● Lions for Christ
● Pride Alliance
● Psychology Club
● STEM Club
● Student Government Association (SGA)
● Student Nurse Association (SNA)
● Surgical Technology Student Association